William Littlejohn (1929 – 2006)

Born in Arbroath in 1929, Littlejohn studied Fine Art at Dundee College of Art and was later a lecturer in Fine Art at Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen, before retiring in 1991.

Littlejohn was highly distinguished in the practice of watercolour and collage-based media, and his work focused on the culture and aesthetic of North East Scotland, as well as the influence of Japan, where he spent time thanks to the RSA Gillies travel Award.

Littlejohn was an elected as a member of the Royal Scottish Academy in 1973, the Royal Glasgow Institute in 1989 and the Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolour in 1990. Having had several solo exhibitions across the U.K, his paintings are held in several private and public collections including H.M the Queen and the Scottish Gallery of Modern Art. In 2006, the artist left the entire contents of his studio to the RSA, as well as numerous other works.